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Scaling up: Assessing the CleanBC 15% renewable gas target

Date created
Author: Khan, Izzah
As conventional natural gas is a fossil fuel that contributes heavily towards carbon emissions, the government of British Columbia is targeting this issue by instituting a 15% requirement of renewable gases to be blended in with conventional natural gas by 2030 to reduce carbon emissions. One such renewable gas, Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), is currently available and being produced in BC and so would be the major contributor in achieving the 15% target. Current production of RNG is insufficient to meet the target. This paper assesses the challenges of scaling up RNG by conducting a comparative case study of Germany, the United Kingdom and California, and a mixed methods approach involving interviews, a literature review and a study of utility rate design. Four policy options are evaluated to address the barriers for RNG in achieving the 15% target. Based on this analysis, a policy shotgun approach is recommended.
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