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The silver lining: Policies to support British Columbia’s seniors to delay frailty and age well

Date created
Author: Thi, Helen
Canada has a rapidly aging population. While life expectancy is high, healthy life expectancy is significantly lower, with 10 years of life generally spent in poor health before death. Living in poor health is generally defined as living with several co-morbidities and becoming frail. While frailty is a natural consequence of aging, research reveals that it can be delayed and even reversed. This study explores physical activity interventions that have a positive impact on delaying, minimizing, and/or reversing frailty among seniors. A critical analysis of research case studies is used to identify successful interventions and how applicable these interventions will be in the BC context. Ultimately, expansion of the existing Community Actions and Resources Empowering Seniors program in BC, along with development of holistic frailty prevention programs, are recommended.
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