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Subcultures of coping: The idiosyncratic trends of Koi and Sang exhibited by Chinese Millennials"

Date created
Author: Xiao, Qing
In recent years, a phenomenon has emerged and has soon become quite popular in China, which is the frequent appearance of “Sang” and “Koi” in Chinese online social media posts. The widespread use of the two terms online has drawn attention from the academic field, the media, as well as society at large. Many scholars, media producers, and even the public see the emergence of the Koi and Sang phenomenon as the establishment of new subcultures in China. Moreover, the majority of participants of the online social media platforms, where Koi and Sang are most commonly seen, are Chinese Millennials. As such, many have argued that the emergence of such online cultures unveils suppressed truths concerning the challenges faced by young adults in China and symbolizes pivotal issues that plague the greater Chinese society.
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