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Simulation of SFU Wi-Fi using Riverbed Modeler

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Pervasive in the workplace, the home, educational institutions, café, airports, and street corners, wireless networks are now one of the most important access network technologies on the Internet today. The IEEE has standardized the 802.11 protocol for wireless local area networks. This project involves the study of the SFU wireless LAN to understand the problem of the slow wireless network (e.g. problems with top hat quizzes, congestion of devices, etc.).The wireless profile in the academic quadrangle area in various classrooms(AQ3181, AQ3182) and hallways will be studied. The Xirrus WiFi inspector and WirelessMon will be used to check the Wi-Fi network and to gather information about the wireless access point(signal strength, data rate, sent rate, etc.). The scenario of the lecture halls with a high-density network will be simulated in the Riverbed modeler to find out the network issues and the solution for the same.
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