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X̲aad Kíl resources for babies

Date created
What X̠aad Kíl words and phrases do new parents/caregivers need to know to speak to their babies in X̠aad Kíl? I have gathered X̠aad Kíl (the Haida language) materials that have been created or are suitable for babies, toddlers, and small children, and then assembled these materials into a resource. These materials include songs, texts, narratives, phrases, and commands. All the material is in the Alaskan X̠aad Kíl variety (dialect) since there is not already a collection of language suitable for a baby that has been put together in the Alaskan variety of X̠aad Kíl. X̠aad Kíl is in dire need of new language learners. Research has shown the best time to teach a language is in infancy and childhood. I have gathered the appropriate materials important for the successful transmission of X̠aad Kíl to the youngest learners.
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