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iihksiisiinatsiistostiimao nipaitapiitsiin

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iihksiisiinatsiistostiimao nipaitapiitsiin uncovers and puts into practice an Indigenous performance-creation paradigm. As a dancer, performance artist, musician and composer, I incorporate ritual as a way of inviting the viewer to become an active part of the work itself. My vision is to continue to investigate de-colonization methodologies in performance creation through my own embodied experiences. Indigenous Contemporary Dance has been a growing field, and the field of Critical Indigenous Dance Studies has not grown at the same rate. Historically, Indigenous dance artists and scholars have had to engage in western pedagogy and theory in order to discuss their work. We are now in a resurgence era, where, Indigenous dance artists and scholars are now able to discuss, theorize and create works grounded in Indigenous ontologies, epistemologies, ethics, and paradigms. This performance presents research, context, and highly structured improvisation in an Indigenous dance work theoretically and ethically based in Cree and Blackfoot ways-of-knowing.
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