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Author: Biega, A.M.
Author: Mooers, A.O.
Author: Lamont, M.
Author: Bowkett, A.E.
Author: Martin, T.E.
Dataset (as excel file) with all imperiled bird species along with data that may help to guide prioritization for ex situ conservation programs. SS3a lists 506 imperiled species not currently held in ZIMS (Zoological Information Management System) global zoo networks, ranked by Evolutionary Distinctness (ED) score. Each species is also scored for family membership, how many confamilials are in a ZIMS facility (as a measure of husbandry expertise), their biogeographical realm, and notes on whether there is evidence of non-ZIMS or non-zoo ex situ programs or holdings. Data on non-ZIMS holdings was gathered from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (2016) and personal communication from M. Lamont, S. Bruslund-Jensen and J. Lindholm III. Data from personal correspondence is accurate to the best of our current knowledge but is not exhaustive of all private or non-zoo holdings. SS3b lists 111 imperiled species found in ZIMS institutions, ranked by ED score. In addition to the criteria in SS3a, we list also list the number of female breeding individuals and total breeding individuals for captive populations (data collected from ZIMS (2017)).
Published as
A.M. Biega, A.O. Mooers, M. Lamont, A.E. Bowkett and T.E. Martin (2019): Guiding the prioritization of the most endangered and evolutionary distinct birds for new zoo conservation programs, Supporting Appendix SS3.
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