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Opening up community music venues in Vancouver

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There is not enough access to safe community music venues in Vancouver. Safety includes architectural, social, substance, and emergency-response dimensions. Access is limited by age restrictions, physical inaccessibility, secrecy, and venue closures (caused by commercial conditions and enforcement of regulations). This study considers eight regulatory and financial support policy options that would address these issues and increase access to safer spaces for non-professional live music performance in Vancouver. The eight options are evaluated using policy analytic and risk management frameworks, producing two initial recommendations for government: fund a discreet venue upgrading initiative and make policy accessible through strategic planning, regulatory clarity, and inclusive policymaking. The research is based on 29 expert interviews with policymakers, community leaders, police, teachers, venue operators, event organizers, musicians, fans, youth, and people with disabilities, as well as case studies of skateboarding policy in Vancouver and music venue policy in Seattle, Oakland, Toronto, and London.
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