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Anushka Nagiir 'Indigenous Environmental Activism & the Law'

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Anushka talks about her motivation and journey to become a lawyer and political and environmental activist. She briefly discusses her Indian ancestry and her parent’s journey from Budruk, India to East Africa, eventually settling in Dubai where Anushka was born. Anushka’s family immigrated to Canada, settling in Calgary, Alberta where other extended family members were living. She reveals what it felt like being an immigrant and that if it weren’t for her extended family in Calgary, her family would have felt much more isolated and marginalized. Anushka remembers the constant racism, inspiring a self-directed examination of Colonialism, social inequality, marginalization and systemic racism. Anushka received a Political Science degree, immersing herself in community outreach and social activism, eventually moving to British Columbia where her passion for social justice became more solidified. Anushka received her Law degree where once again she was inspired to look beyond the rhetoric taught in University, examining the disconnect between Aboriginal law and Canadian law, which disrespects and ignores constitutionally enshrined sovereign Aboriginal land rights and title. Anushka discusses her involvement with British Columbia indigenous communities and her decision to focus her legal representation supporting populations facing social stigma, systemic racism and oppression. Anushka discusses her involvement with the Secwepemc community where the Mt. Polley mining disaster occurred. This disaster was the largest environmental mining disaster in British Columbia’s history. Anushka joined forces with the Secwepemc Women’s Warrior Society, vocal opponents to mining and resource extraction corporations coming into their territory to steal resources and pollute the land.
Anushka Nagiir's testimony, part 1
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