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Using Participatory Methods to Create a Logic Model for Healthiest Babies Possible

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Healthiest Babies Possible (HBP) is a perinatal nutrition program that supports women facing challenging life circumstances in Vancouver and Richmond. The program has existed since 1976 and has undergone multiple changes to its service delivery model. HBP is now embarking on an evaluation that will be used for quality improvement and to identify best practices that can be shared with other service agencies. Stakeholder engagement and participatory methods have led to successful evaluation plans in similar programs. This document focuses on engaging with an Evaluation Stakeholder Workgroup (ESW) consisting of partners, HBP staff, patient advisors, leadership and funders, to create a program logic model. The program logic model is intended to form the basis of a future evaluation plan.
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Bodenhamer, Sandra - Capstone Paper.pdf 1.6 MB

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