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Reframing "Aging in Place" to "Aging in Community": Exploring Innovative Models to Support Aging in Place in British Columbia

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British Columbia (B.C.) currently has the fastest growing rate of seniors compared to any other jurisdiction across Canada. While the senior population is diverse, a commonality that exists among seniors is their desire to continue to age within their homes and communities. However, the accessibility and availability of home support services, as well as issues in housing are creating barriers, and continue to contribute to premature placement into residential care, caregiver burnout, and overuse of acute care services. A literature review was conducted to assess the current state of home support and housing in B.C., and possible solutions are explored drawing on two innovative community based models of aging in place (Village model and Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities, Supportive Service Program). Reframing ‘aging in place’ to ‘aging in community’ by emphasizing social capital offers possible solutions to support B.C seniors to age healthily and safely with in their homes and communities.
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Chiu, Patrick - Capstone Paper.pdf 591.91 KB

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