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A case study of Sylvan Learning's approach to cyber bullying

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Sylvan Learning is a private tutoring institution that provides students with a personalized style of learning. They assess each of their student’s particular educational needs by conducting questionnaires, and then apply the appropriate teaching styles. The results of the questionnaires suggest that many of the students are victims of both traditional face-to-face school yard bullying, and cyber bullying. As a result, the effect bullying has on students education is a major concern for this agency. This paper provides an examination of the current empirical literature on the topic of traditional face-to-face bullying, and cyber bullying. In addition, an overview of the current school policies for district 36 that deal with both face-to-face bullying, and cyber bullying are highlighted, as well as how Sylvan Learning can implement techniques to combat bullying in order to create safer, healthier learning environments.
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