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Weismiller, Stan oral history interview

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Winvan Paving is a family owned road construction company located in the Braid industrial area of New Westminster. The company has been located along the Fraser River since the 1960s where it first initially operated within sawmill owned by Commonwealth Construction. The company’s current location contains its head office, asphalt plant, asphalt recycling plant, barge ramp, and equipment maintenance and repair shop. Weismiller’s father and his partners purchased the company’s site from Commonwealth Construction in the 1970s. Since then Weismiller has been off and on with the company working various positions such as a crewman, estimator, project manager. In 2005 he became Winvan’s president and general manager. Throughout the interview Weismiller emphasizes the importance of industrial lands and resource extraction to British Columbia’s economy, and the difficulties in working with different levels of government to deal with various issues facing the business in Braid’s industrial area, especially traffic.
Interview with Stan Weismiller
Audio file
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Copyright is held by the author(s) and participants.
You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions: You must credit the (Re)Claiming the New Westminster Waterfront research partnership, Simon Fraser University, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada.
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