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Let it be as it is

Date created
This work comprises a multi-media video installation that is the result of a process intended to understand and communicate in an embodied way, the self and place (site-sensitivity). Theory underlying these explorations includes ideas about the posthuman and collaboration formulated by Rosi Braidotti, Spinozist freedom, Vivian Sobchack’s notions of embodiment, and Philip Auslander’s theories of liveness and mediatization. I utilize my body and its capacity for improvised movement as an expressive medium, along with video making and installation, indirectly referencing the practices of artists such as Vito Acconci, Trisha Brown, and Andrea Zittel. These forms are realized methodologically by an engagement with physical trainings, urban dérive, and improvisation as practice which facilitates presence of focus and an engagement with the energies and affective intensities of the everyday.
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