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Restoring a “Paradise of a Place”: Exploring the potential for urban Ecosystem-based Management in the Still Creek Watershed, Vancouver, BC

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This study examines the potential value of applying Ecosystem-based Management (EBM) in the urban setting. It explores how community-driven watershed restoration can be augmented by reframing community perceptions of healthy ecosystems through a holistic, ecosystem-based approach to watershed management. The case study of watershed restoration in Still Creek, Vancouver, British Columbia is informed by an analysis of planning documentation and interviews with local community members, local government representatives, and experts in EBM and urban ecological restoration. The research explores a variety of themes: understanding community motivation for implementing an Ecosystem-based Stewardship Plan, the nature of collaborations between stakeholders, and the potential value that EBM may bring to watershed restoration. Results indicate that EBM is helping the community to perceive Still Creek as an asset that provides significant benefits to the area. To fully implement EBM, the community needs to address challenges that include navigating jurisdictional context, identifying the spatial scale of focus for watershed restoration, and establishing priority areas for restoration. This research recommends solutions to these challenges to implementing EBM in the urban setting.
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