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Depression Screening for Patients with Stroke in an Acute Care Setting

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This paper is written to build a case regarding the implementation of depression screening for patients with a stroke within an acute care setting. Depression screening is critical to patients overall care, furthermore studies suggest early intervention screening and treatment has a substantial impact on overall healthcare costs. Consequently, implementation of depression screening can identify early on any challenges or barriers a patient with stroke may face. The onset of recovery from an acute hospital setting to rehabilitation will reduce the costs of acute care and create improved opportunities to enhance recovery and overall health outcomes. Overall, the implementation of depression screening will have quantifiable outcomes such as:1. Significant cost savings on the healthcare system due to decreased use of acute care bed days2. Reduced recovery time for the patient therefore increased quality of life3. Reduction in caregiver burden due to identification and treatment of depression4. Benefit to society due to efficient use of acute care, rehab services and resources while minimizing disability and loss of work for patients and family.A qualified Social Worker will have the greatest experience in addressing symptoms of depression and therefore it is recommended a Social Worker provide follow up, initiate additional assessments, and make necessary recommendations for further treatment.
EMBA ABL Project - Simon Fraser University
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