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A Model for the Development Of Entrepreneurship on First Nation Indian Reserves

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Community well being for First Nations on Indian Reserves is significantly lower than the rest of Canada. Contributing factors are the lack of businesses, the distrust in capitalism from colonialism and the effort to assimilate First Nations, and a perceived belief that there is not a fit between entrepreneurship and First Nations culture. These factors and a lack of goods and service providers on Indian reserve lands have resulted in a loss of business to communities off Indian reserve lands. Entrepreneurship can create employment opportunities and can reduce leakage. In order to improve conditions on Indian reserve lands for entrepreneurship research has shown that stability of governance and institutions, and culture and traditions is important. This paper develops a model that will give First Nations direction for the steps that can be taken within the legal landscape of Canada to improve the conditions on Indian reserve lands for entrepreneurship.
EMBA ABL Project - Simon Fraser University
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