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How is it that there is always something new?

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In this project, landscape is understood in terms of process and the event. The time-based medium of video allows for an approach to landscape that recognizes multiple, layered temporalities: human, biological, geologic and atmospheric. Seen in these terms, landscape is not a static surface—not topographic or cartographic—but a vital process. In video works offering sustained attention to three different sites, ostensible landscape stillness is the theatre for the appearance of manifold events, both human and non-human. Duration (durée) as conceived by Bergson and Deleuze is discussed in terms of its relevance to the single camera shot. Throughout, the process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead provides a theoretical support, specifically through his concepts of prehension and concrescence. These concepts open the door to an exploration of how the image-making characteristics of different cameras could be windows onto seeing the world in a new way, a less anthropocentric way.
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