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Abilities Management - A New Age Solution for an Age Old Problem: What to do with the Injured Worker

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Teck Highland Valley Copper Partnership has an established, successful and practical working model for disability management.This project reviews current practices at Teck Highland Valley Partnership and defines a strategy for a corporate initiative of “Abilities Management” at Teck.The age demographic of Teck Resources is at a critical level. An effective “Abilities Management” program will help to mitigate the effect of the aging workforce. Further, it will increase employee morale, better utilize the injured or ill workforce to the monetary benefit of the company, and lower costs of third party payments by the Workers’ Compensation Board and weekly indemnity carriers.The “Abilities Management” program herein described will compliment Teck’s Courageous Safety Leadership Program and will become a necessary component to Teck’s Corporate Social Responsibilities concerning sustainability and environmental awareness moving forward.
EMBA Project-Simon Fraser University
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