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Author: Bretherick, Karla L.
Author: Schuetz, Johanna M.
Author: Morton, Lindsay M.
Author: Purdue, Mark P.
Author: Conde, Lucia
Author: Gallagher, Richard P.
Author: Connors, Joseph M.
Author: Gascoyne, Randy D.
Author: Berry, Brian R.
Author: Armstrong, Bruce
Author: Kricker, Anne
Author: Vajdic, Claire M.
Author: Grulich, Andrew
Author: Hjalgrim, Henrik
Author: Smedby, Karin E.
Author: Skibola, Christine F.
Author: Rothman, Nathaniel
Author: Spinelli, John J.
Author: Brooks-Wilson, Angela R.
H2AFX encodes a histone variant involved in signaling sites of DNA damage and recruiting repair factors. Genetic variants in H2AFX may influence risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), a heterogeneous group of lymphoid tumors that are characterized by chromosomal translocations. We previously reported that rs2509049, a common variant in the promoter of H2AFX, was associated with risk for NHL in the British Columbia population. Here we report results for 13 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 100 Kb surrounding H2AFX in an expanded collection of 568 NHL cases and 547 controls. After correction for multiple testing, significant associations were present for mantle cell lymphoma (p=0.007 for rs604714) and all B-cell lymphomas (p=0.046 for rs2509049). Strong linkage disequilibrium in the 5 Kb upstream of H2AFX limited the ability to determine which specific SNP (rs2509049, rs7759, rs8551, rs643788, rs604714, or rs603826), if any, was responsible. There was a significant interaction between sex and rs2509049 in the all B-cell lymphomas group (p=0.002); a sex-stratified analysis revealed that the association was confined to females (p=0.001). Neither the overall nor the female-specific association with rs2509049 was replicated in any of four independent NHL sample sets. Meta-analysis of all five study populations (3,882 B-cell NHL cases and 3,718 controls) supported a weak association with B-cell lymphoma (OR=0.92, 95% CI=0.86-0.99, p=0.034), although this association was not significant after exclusion of the British Columbia data. Further research into the potential sex-specificity of the H2AFX-NHL association may identify a subset of NHL cases that are influenced by genotype at this locus.
Published as
Bretherick KL, Schuetz JM, Morton LM, Purdue MP, Conde L, et al. (2013) Sex- and Subtype-Specific Analysis of H2AFX Polymorphisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. PLoS ONE 8(9): e74619. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074619
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Sex- and Subtype-Specific Analysis of H2AFX Polymorphisms in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
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