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Author: Johnson, Geoffrey Laurence.
This study examines the prese nt and pot ential us es of computersin the restaurant industry. The high failure rat e of businesses withinthe industry is largely due to the lack of adequate ope r ational andfinancial controls. The application of computer t echnology is one ofthe most appropriate means of provid ing such controls .Research was carried out in all sectors of the hospitality industryin an attempt to define present and potential applications fr omthe restaurant operators' point of view. The author has also dr wnupon his p e rsonal experience as an employee of a rest aurant chainwhich is considering computer installations at the restaurant level.Interviews were conduc ted with most of the major e qu ipment vendors andan exhaustive s ea rch of the computer and hospitality trade publicationswas completed. The author conducted furthe r research at thehotel school which is most involved in research on computer applicationsin the hospitality industry.The study confirmed that the restaurant industry has remainedrelatively untouched by the point-of- sale revolution which began inthe general retail industry some eight years ago. However, the professionalmanagement attitude being introduced to the restaurant industryby the chain operations is beginning to rectify this situation.Advances in computer technology are becoming significant at alllevels of business operation . The introduction of microprocessors inparticular has provided the break-through in making computer usage apractical reality for even the single- restaurant operator
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