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Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Expansion Strategy

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Ballard Power Systems Inc. is the world leader in the development of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells. Ballard’s current strategy is focused on pursuing near-term commercial markets for fuel cell products. One of these, the hydrogen fuel cell bus market, provides a zero-emission alternative for urban public transit applications.
Hydrogen fuel cells provide a highly efficient source of electricity generation. The only reaction by-products are heat and water vapour. In an urban transit bus application they provide true zero emission propulsion capability with complete route flexibility. Ballard has been developing fuel cells for transit bus applications since 1991. To date, sales have been concentrated in Europe and North America.
This paper examines market conditions for hydrogen fuel cell buses in the USA, Mexico and Brazil and recommends the preferred markets for Ballard. In addition, a high level manufacturing plan is included that will facilitate local government support and market entry.
EMBA Project-Simon Fraser University
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