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Stó:lō Connect: A Case Study in Collaborative First Nation Referral Management

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This paper is a case study of the Stó:lō referral review capacity as of April 2013. I examine the development, implementation and implications of the Stó:lō Connect Project, a web-delivered, social network system for referral file management in the dynamic development context of S’ólh Téméxw (Stó:lō territory), British Columbia. The study examines referral management for Bands, including Sumas, Aitchelitz, Squiala, Tzeachten, Skowkale, Yakweakwioose, Shxwhá:y Village, Sts’ailes, Leq’a:mel, Matsqui, Popkum, Skawahlook, Soowahlie, Kwantlen, Scowlitz, Cheam, Kwaw’Kwaw’Apilt, Seabird Island, Chawathil, Shxw’ow’hamel, Union Bar, Peters, Yale, and Skwah, the two Tribal Councils, Stó:lō Nation and the Stó:lō Tribal Council and the tribal affiliations, Tît, Pilalt, and the Ts’elxwéyeqw Tribe. I examine how the Stó:lō Connect Project has been designed to address challenges in the referrals process. The Stó:lō Connect Project enhances referrals processes through collaborative management strategies in a digital social network.
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