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Unique Care Giving Issues for Family Caregivers of Chinese and South Asian Older Adults

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The purpose of this meta-ethnography was to synthesize qualitative studies on the unique care giving contexts of South Asian and Chinese caregivers and care receivers, and to gain an understanding of the systemic factors that influence their care giving contexts. A broad search of the literature on South Asian and Chinese caregivers and care receivers was conducted and 22 journal articles were selected which met the inclusion criteria for the meta-ethnography. The systematic synthesis of the literature according to the Meta-Ethnography procedures laid out by Noblit and Hare (1988) revealed two dominant themes: (1) The Personal is Political and (2) Becoming an Ally. These interpretations illuminate the care giving contexts under discussion. They are especially beneficial for understanding the challenges and systemic issues which contribute to the care giving contexts of South Asian and Chinese groups.
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