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Business and Marketing Plan for the Walk N’ Text Mobile Application

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Mobile Instant Messaging is now witnessing the same explosive growth as Short Message Service did in 2000. Since texting is becoming a common form of communication, walking and texting has resulted in increased risk of associated injuries. The smartphone mobile application, Walk N’ Text, was conceived with the idea of mitigating those risks. The intention is to implement distinct functionalities to achieve this goal. Functions such as a transparent background and Augmented Reality will work continuously and cohesively to guide the users to safety. This report explores the challenges the development of such an application will face, begins to create a financial break-even analysis and explores what it would take to market the product. It does so against a background of a business wanting to explore the development of apps without currently having any in-house competencies. It concludes that the market is possibly viable but the sponsor would need to manage two main challenges: managing the development and converting awareness of the problem into an apps purchase.
MOT MBA Project-Simon Fraser University
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MOT MBA 2012 Yu-Hsiang (Richard) Cheng.pdf 7.25 MB

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