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Business Analysis and Strategic Plan for Green Pages Directory

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Author: Wang, Xu
Green Pages Directory (GDP) is an online information provider and advocate for green/sustainability products and services. Business analysis is conducted to assure of successful business execution. External analysis indicates that the market is growing rapidly with incremental customer base, under favourable macro-environment, such as evolving technologies, environmental/social responsibilities, legislations, etc., while internal analysis advises that GPD’s financial shortage and new entry threats have to be eluded in order to maximize its strengths and opportunities to penetrate the market. The proposed strategic plan defines GPD’s mission, vision and value, which creates a long-term destination for GPD and provides with a roadmap for winning together with partners. It also suggests focusing on LOHAS market primarily and utilizing online social media to promote itself and attract more consumers. Contingency plans are laid out carefully to mitigate competitions and technical risks, while partnership and exit strategies enhance competitive capability and increase long-term value for shareholders.
MOT MBA Project-Simon Fraser University
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