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Manifesto of Technological Culture: a Critically Annotated Defense of Technepolitanism and The Hollow Revolution: Alienation and Manipulation in the Digital Age

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Manifesto of Technological Culture: a Critically Annotated Defense of Technepolitanism- A critical analysis of our emerging technocracy unfolds through an annotated commentary on an imagined technocrat’s manifesto. The essay contrasts the romanticization of technology’s liberating qualities with a sober warning about its tendency towards oppression.The Hollow Revolution: Alienation and Manipulation in the Digital Age- Approximately one third of the world’s population uses the Internet. It is a communications platform thatostensibly defies political boundaries and social status, putting unprecedented amounts of information in the hands of all users equally. However, the Internet operates within a social and political context that influences the information it contains. Every online interaction is explicitly or tacitly attended by an imperative to buy, making commerce a key driving force of the Internet. The online user is a modern-day, digital proletariat, subject to exploitation by the corporate interests that have embraced the Internet. Themes of manipulation, alienation, and ahistoricism in the information age are examined through a principally Marxian lens.
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