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Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly: valuing ecosystem services for marine protected areas in Canada

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Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are crucial to the conservation of the ocean’s biodiversity and the recovery of global fisheries. Cost-benefit analysis can help policymakers evaluate the expected economic outcomes of regulatory amendments. However, there is too little assessment of the value of ecosystem goods and services in decision making for MPA proposals in Canada, thus the benefits of marine planning initiatives are often not properly estimated. This research examines the barriers to conducting benefits valuations for federal MPAs. From semi-structured interviews with policymakers, academics and non-profit practitioners potential policy solutions are revealed. Following further analysis a policy suite is recommended which couples education and partnerships. Education includes i) developing materials for structured decision-making models, tutorials, webinars and case studies and ii) workshops and training in cost-benefit analysis or internal certification programs for policymakers and planners. Partnerships include i) fostering more academic-government partnerships and ii) increasing funding for graduate and co-op students conducting research on economic and policy analysis.
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