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Applications of Logvinenko's colour atlas

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Thesis type
((Thesis)) M.Sc.
Date created
Alexander Logvinenko has recently introduced a new colour atlas based on idealized reflectances called rectangular metamers. In this thesis, the Gaussian parameterization of Logvinenko’s colour atlas has been implemented, allowing us to investigate its interesting features, of which, illumination invariance is of most importance. The new colour descriptors are employed for predicting illuminant-induced colour stimulus changes, because these coordinates in the atlas specify reflectances; and, as such, they can be computationally ‘relit’ using the spectrum of the second illuminant. The superiority of the new approach over other methods is revealed in experimental results. Furthermore, Logvinenko’s theory provides a structure in which a complete set of colour equivalent material and illumination pairs can be generated to match any given input RGB. The set of such pairs defines a material-lighting-invariance manifold, based on which, a new illumination-estimation method is proposed, which calculates the intersection of the manifolds through a Hough-like voting process.
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Copyright is held by the author.
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Scholarly level
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Funt, Brian
Member of collection
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