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Small farms and climate change adaptation in British Columbia

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Small-scale farms in British Columbia (BC) face the challenge of adapting to both positive and negative climate change impacts, while maintaining their financial viability. This study explores the issue of climate change adaptation for small-scale farmers in British Columbia using semi-structured interviews and case study analysis. Small farms frequently employ soil preservation techniques, organic methods, and grow a diversity of crops, which make them more resilient to some of the negative implications of climate change while their propensity to experiment with new high value crops puts them in the position to take advantage of potential opportunities. Farm incomes have been declining across BC and the financial vulnerability of small-scale farms places their long-term survival at risk. This research examines ways to enhance small-scale farm resilience to climate change. Agricultural policies and regulations impact on large and small operations differently and policies are needed to ensure that both have the capacity to face increasing pressures from climate change.
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