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The Conference On The Conference

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Archives of electronic “administrative” exchanges that precede, occur during and are subsequent to the thesis project The Conference On The Conference. The 'event' The Conference On The Conference, at least in this document, remains undocumented. Only features of The Conference On The Conference that pertain to its organization get documented. The archives, titled of the parergonal, exhibits text regulated by The Conference On The Conference Chief Administrator and notably the data architecture that facilitated of the parergonal text transmissions. As archives, of the parergonal, in that they are held within the frame of pre-existing institutional structures/apparatuses that supervene on written exchange, provides frame for interpreting The Conference On The Conference. As well, of the parergonal, as if its own institution, functions as a performative gesture for problematizing the archives as work organized by the terms of contemporary institutions – those of the poetic and those of academic administrations.
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