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Ambient Data Collection with Wireless Sensor Networks

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Author: Wang, Feng
Author: Sun, Limin
One of the most important applications for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is Data Collection, where sensing data arecollected at sensor nodes and forwarded to a central base station for further processing. Since using battery powers and wirelesscommunications, sensor nodes can be very small and easily attached at specified locations without disturbing surroundingenvironments. This makes WSN a competitive approach for data collection comparing with its wired counterpart. In this paper,we review recent advances in this research area. We first highlight the special features of data collection WSNs, by comparingwith wired data collection network and other WSN applications. With these features in mind, we then discuss issues and priorsolutions on the data gathering protocol design. Our discussion also covers different approaches for message dissemination, whichis a critical component for network control and management and greatly affects the overall performance of a data collectionWSNsystem.
Published as
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
EURASIP Journal onWireless Communications and Networking
Volume 2010, Article ID 698951, 10 pages
Publication title
EURASIP Journal onWireless Communications and Networking
Document title
Ambient Data Collection with Wireless Sensor Networks
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Publisher DOI
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