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Native land claims letters : Nass and Skeena rivers area.

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A collection of letters concerning land claims made by First Nations groups in the Nass and Skeena Rivers areas of British Columbia (~1909-1935). Purchased from Mcleod's Books, Vancouver. Various signatories to the letters. All the signatories are not listed here.

1. Correspondence from Lak-Kalzap Council to E. L. Stewart
2. Correspondence from many Chiefs (who met in Hazelton) to J. Brown
3. The Committee of Skeena River - Meeting Decisions from March 9th, 1910 (Handwritten)
4. The Committee of Skeena River - Meeting Decisions from March 9th, 1910(Typed)
5. List of Chiefs present at Committee of Skeena River Meeting on March 9 1910
6. Letter from Barrister W. E. Fisher, to Stephen Morgan concerning the costs of a potential court case against the Canadian government. Prince Rupert, B.C., July 4 1910.
7. Letter from representatives of Kiziguqula, Hazelton, Glenvowel, Kispayas, Kisgagas, Galdoah, Kitwinqula, Kitselas, and Kitwinga tribes to the Governor-General. Prince Rupert, B.C. Sept 24 1912.
8. Letter from C. M. Tate, Secretary of the Indian Rights Association of B.C. Oct 22, 1912.
9. Letter containing the reply of the Governor-General
10. Letter from C.M. Tate about Rights and Title. June 22, 1914.
11. Agreement between Stephen Morgan and Balmoral Cannery
12. Letter from Alex Morrison to Stephen Morgan concerning uniting the First Nations of British Columbia. Sept 11, 1916.
13. Letter from C. M. Tate. Dec 4 1916.
14. Letter from Balmoral Cannery to Stephen Morgan
15. Statement of the Committee of the Allied Tribes of British Columbia for the Government of Canada. Feb 5 1919.
31st DECEMBER, 1919.
18. Letter to Stephen Morgan from Assessor and Collector C. W. Homer concerning taxation. Dec 4 1920.
19. Records of Correspondence and Press
20. Letter to J. S. Morgan from Prime Minister's Office
21. First Nations representatives of Skeena River to Lieutenant-Govenor of B.C.
22. Village chiefs sign to form committee on land question
23. Brotherly Appeal by the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia
24. Letter from Wm Beynon of Native Brotherhood of B.C. to Stephen Morgan. Jan 23 1933.
25. Letter from Stephen Morgan concerning receiving further instructions from a museum about the restoration of totem poles in Kitseguela, B.C.
Collection includes 25 items of correspondence from various Chiefs concerning very early land claims in BC. Also illustrate formations of various First Nations organizations over time.
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Included with this item

Agreement between Stephen Morgan and Balmoral Cannery
British Columbia Indian Land Controversy - Information for the Allied Tribes. By J.A. Teit. Spence's Bridge, B.C. July 22 1919
Brotherly Appeal by the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia
Correspondence from many Chiefs (who met in Hazelton) to J. Brown
Correspondence from many Chiefs (who met in Hazelton) to J. Brown
Financial Statement Allied Tribes of British Columbia. December 31, 1919.
Letter containing the reply of the Governor General to an address of First Nations peoples presented to him in North Vancouver
Letter from Barrister W. E. Fisher, to Stephen Morgan concerning the costs of a potential court case against the Canadian government. Prince Rupert, B.C., July 4 1910
Letter from C. M. Tate, Secretary of the Indian Rights Association of B.C. Oct 22, 1912
Letter from C. M. Tate. December 4 1916
Letter from C.M. Tate about Rights and Title. June 22, 1914
Letter from representatives of Kiziguqula, Hazelton, Glenvowel, Kispayas, Kisgagas, Galdoah, Kitwinqula, Kitselas, and Kitwinga tribes to the Governor-General. Prince Rupert, B.C. September 24 1912
Letter from Stephen Morgan concerning receiving further instructions from a museum about the restoration of totem poles in Kitseguela, B.C.
Letter from Wm Beynon of Native Brotherhood of B.C. to Stephen Morgan. January 23 1933
Letter to J. S. Morgan from Prime Minister's Office. March 30 1925
Statement of the Committee of the Allied Tribes of British Columbia for the Government of Canada. February 5 1919
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The Committee of Skeena River - Meeting Decisions from March 9th, 1910 (Handwritten)
The Committee of Skeena River - Meeting Decisions from March 9th, 1910 (Typed)
Village chiefs sign to form committee on land question

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