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Where the rice cooks: Connecting text and community at Ricepaper Magazine through developing a content management system

Resource type
Thesis type
(Project Report) M.Pub.
Date created
This report is a case study that explores Ricepapr magazine's efforts to develop a content management system (CMS) at a time when the small non-profit publication was reorganising its internal administration and publishing process. Magazines traditionally facilitate the fluid relationship between community and content. This report is a case study that examines how RicepaperMagazine ("Ricepaper")-a small non-profit publication-used technology and software to streamline its work cycle and build intracommunity networks. It documents and explores the magazine's attempts to develop Ricecooker, a software system that was conceptualised to improve communications and unify all department processes with a centralised content management system (CMS). By detailing an in-depth look at Ricepapeer's development experience, this report undertakes an examination of all the attendant issues that accompany such a projectorganisational evolution, decision-making, system limitations, unforeseen problems, and unexpected solutions. It will also look at how Ricepaperhas utilised alternative communication technologies to semi-automate their workflows, promote cross-unit interaction, and deepen the magazine's relationship with readers and staff communities. Overall, this report offers insight to: the production workflow at a volunteer-based publication, and the management of an evolving magazine. Finally, some reflections are offered with regard to planning for change, and how process management can inform software development.
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