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The chemistry and applications of tetracyanoaurate(III) as a building block in heterobimetallic coordination polymers

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Thesis type
(Thesis) M.Sc.
Date created
A series of salts containing tetracyanoaurate(III) and various cations have been prepared in order to examine the nature of self-aggregation in [Au(CN)4]-. These results suggest that aurophilic interactions are not observed for Au(III), but Au-N weak coordinate bonds result in self-aggregation instead. A series of isostructural M(H2O)4[Au(CN)4]2·4H2O (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) coordination polymers have also been synthesized in order to examine their magnetic, gas absorption, and vapochromic properties, as well as their thermal stabilities. The Cu analogue undergoes spontaneous partial dehydration, and the partially dehydrated compound changes colour upon exposure to ammonia or pyridine. Finally, a number of coordination polymers containing Cu(II) and tetracyanoaurate(III) have been prepared including capping or bridging ligands. The lack of aurophilic interactions in tetracyanoaurate(III) compared to dicyanoaurate(I) coordination polymers is a theme discussed throughout the thesis.
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