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Changing climate, changing farming: agricultural adaptation to climate change in Saskatchewan

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Thesis type
(Project) M.P.P.
Date created
This study investigates agricultural adaptation to climate change in Saskatchewan through surveys and interviews with family farmers, farm leaders and Hutterite communal farmers. Half of Canada’s total cultivated farmland is in Saskatchewan and the province accounts for a significant amount of national and international agricultural production. This region is warming at a faster rate than the global average. Projections for Saskatchewan include more heat waves, longer dry spells, and more extreme weather events. The net impact of climate change on Saskatchewan’s agricultural sector will depend heavily on the adaptive capacity of farmers. Encouraging greater diversification, family farms, and organic production and providing both knowledge and financial assistance are important components of enhancing the resilience of Saskatchewan farmers. Accordingly, this study recommends the delivery of a program to encourage farmers to undertake beneficial management practices related to climate change adaptation.
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