============================= Notes & Documentation: 2 category continuous dimension learning Caitlyn McColeman Cognitive Science Laboratory Simon Fraser University Notes created: Apr 22 2012 Last updated: Apr 22 2012 Some analyses using these data have been published in Blair, Chen, Meier, Wood, Watson & Wong (2009). ============================= The two .zip files here contain raw data from a categorization experiment. ORIS2GazeLvl-2013-03-28.csv.zip is a .csv file containing raw gaze information from Tobii x120 eye trackers. Oris2.zip contains three separate .csv files: one at the experiment level, one at the trial level and one at the fixation level. All four tables share a participant ID for indexing between levels. These data were originally reported by Blair et al (Cognition, 2009). The primary manipulation is rule based (RB) versus information integration (II) category learning. Additional analyses were conducted by McColeman et al (submitted), where RB and II are split up for separate analysis. 1. Experiment level table; column information Subject: the subject number SubjectCondition: Either rule based (RB) or information integration (II) - the type of the category learning problem to which the participant is assigned for the full experiment GazeDropper: If 0, <30% of trials are flagged for bad gaze (see triallvl in Oris2.zip) CPTrial/CP(?): The trial on which the participant met the learning criterion outlined in Blair et al. (2009) rowID: unique row index Location1Relevance: The logical value of the feature that appears in location 1 for that participant. Location2Relevance: The logical value of the feature that appears in location 2. Location3Relevance: Logical value of the feature in location 3. Location1Feature: The image pasted to location 1. Will have the relevance Location1Relevance. Location2Feature: The image pasted to location 2. Location3Feature: The image pasted to location 3. CP: When the participant reached the learning criterion Learner: Has a value of 1 if the participant is a learner Phase2GazeAcceptable: Has a value of 1 if >75% of trials exceed 70% gaze collected. 2. Trial level table; column information Subject: the subject number TrialID: trial number Location1/2/3Value: Which of the possible values are assigned to the feature in location 1/2/3 on that trial Correct Response: the category the stimulus belongs to Response: participants' responses TrialAccuracy: 1 = correct GazeCollected: The proportion of gaze data for that trial that was correctly collected PosCorrection: StartTime: Output from the eye tracker - when the trial began StimulusRT: How long the participant looks at the stimulus before (s)he presses a button indicate that (s)he's ready to respond ResponseRT: How long the participant takes to make their category choice after they indicate that they're ready to response FeedbackRT: How long the participant looks at the feedback screen (includes stimulus and indicator of accuracy) Fixation/Stimulus/Response Onset: Based on internal equipment time: when the fixation/stimulus/response phase of the trial began. RowID: Unique index TotalFixes: Number of fixations in the trial badPhase2: Exclude data for bad gaze while the stimulus is on screen badPhase4: Exclude data for bad gaze while the feedback is on screen pFixIrrelPh2: 1 if the participant fixated irrelevant information during the trial while the stimulus was on screen. 3. Fixation level table; column information Subject: the subject number Start: a time point out of the eye tracker, indicates the time that the gaze point is collected Duration: The length of the fixation in milliseconds TrialID: Trial number RowID: Unique index X: the x-coordinate of the fixation Y: the y-coordinate of the fixation Location: The area of interest in which the fixation falls FuncRelevance: The functional relevance of the area in which the fixation falls. 4. Gaze level table; column information Subject: the subject number Session: 1; will always be a value of 1. ID: unique row index TETTime: A time point from the eye tracker marking when the gaze point is collected RTTime: A time point from the experiment software indicating when the gaze point is collected CursorX: the x-coordinate for the gaze point CursorY: the y-coordinate for the gaze point TimestampSec/MicroSec: Additional time markers