ID Gene Exon Directions "Mean Coverage" "Barnacle + BWA" "Barnacle-MM + BWA" "Barnacle + ABySS-map" "Barnacle-MM + ABySS-map" TopHat-Fusion Notes fusion76 ACO2 / GTPBP1 exon12 / exon2 5'>3' / 5'>3' 0.128513 N N N N N mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion65 DDX17 / EYA2 exon3 / exon9 3'<5' / 5'>3' 0.352315 N N N N N mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion82 C20orf12 / IGLV3-26 exon7 / exon2 3'<5' / 5'>3' 0.387036 N N N N N mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion22 CARD10 / NOP56 exon3 / exon1 5'>3' / 5'>3' 0.3885 N N N N N mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion80 RP11-218C14.2 / TRMT2A exon4 / exon2 3'<5' / 3'<5' 0.913952 N N N N N mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion88 AL139349.1 / PLTP exon1 / exon7 3'<5' / 3'<5' 1.318704 N N N N N mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion94 HAR1B / RANGAP1 exon2 / exon6 3'<5' / 3'<5' 1.433365 N N N N N mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion55 C20orf43 / HCK exon7 / exon2 3'<5' / 3'<5' 1.534207 N N N N N mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion30 PI4KAP2 / SREBF2 exon2 / exon1 5'>3' / 5'>3' 1.635248 N N N N N mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion60 MAPK12 / RP1-155G6.4 exon3 / exon1 3'<5' / 3'<5' 1.799245 N N N N N mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion9 SEMG1 / TRMT2A pos46 / pos446 3'<5' / 3'<5' 2.756769 N N N N N mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion31 C20orf78 / IGLVI-38 exon1 / exon2 3'<5' / 3'<5' 2.863592 N N N N Y mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion25 ELMO2 / THOC5 exon5 / exon7 5'>3' / 5'>3' 2.880003 N N N N N mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion72 DSTN / PIWIL3 exon1 / exon19 5'>3' / 5'>3' 2.897782 N N N N Y mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion35 RP1-63G5.5 / UBE2C pos405 / pos357 5'>3' / 5'>3' 2.994877 N N N N N mean coverage below both read-support thresholds fusion41 C20orf26 / XXbac-B33L19.10 exon14 / exon1 5'>3' / 5'>3' 3.069921 N N Y Y Y mean coverage below Barnacle read-support threshold fusion99 IL2RB / SLC17A9 exon3 / exon9 3'<5' / 3'<5' 3.355567 N N N N N mean coverage below Barnacle read-support threshold fusion20 CTD-3184A7.4 / PIK3IP1 exon2 / exon2 3'<5' / 3'<5' 3.469444 N N N N N mean coverage below Barnacle read-support threshold fusion93 CD40 / PMEPA1 exon2 / exon4 5'>3' / 5'>3' 3.983142 N N N N N mean coverage below Barnacle read-support threshold fusion47 C20orf199 / KCNQ2 exon2 / exon11 5'>3' / 5'>3' 4.057748 N N N N N mean coverage below Barnacle read-support threshold fusion0 EFCAB6 / GNAS exon3 / exon2 3'<5' / 3'<5' 4.120524 N N N N N mean coverage below Barnacle read-support threshold fusion32 NDUFA6 / PRR5 exon1 / exon3 3'<5' / 3'<5' 4.497346 N N N N N mean coverage below Barnacle read-support threshold fusion40 CSF2RB / RNF215 exon7 / exon1 3'<5' / 3'<5' 4.517213 N N N N Y mean coverage below Barnacle read-support threshold fusion89 SGSM1 / SLC9A8 exon2 / exon13 3'<5' / 5'>3' 5.646283 N N N N N no contig assembled fusion75 C22orf15 / JAG1 exon2 / exon4 5'>3' / 5'>3' 6.487347 N N N N Y "contig only 78nt, no reads align to contig" fusion98 CBFA2T2 / RP1-90G24.6 exon2 / exon2 3'<5' / 5'>3' 6.713639 N N N N N no contig assembled fusion63 PARVB / PES1 exon7 / exon7 5'>3' / 5'>3' 7.379388 N N N N Y "contig only 77nt, no reads align to contig, contig has no alignments to genome" fusion97 C20orf12 / PAX1 exon6 / exon3 5'>3' / 5'>3' 7.573419 N N N N Y "breakpoint near edge of contig, only three reads align across breakpoint, one has a mismatch" fusion33 IGLV2-11 / PHF20 exon2 / exon2 5'>3' / 3'<5' 8.200881 N N N N Y "contig only 78nt, no reads align to contig; contig multi-maps to genome" fusion91 MED15 / RALGAPA2 exon11 / exon33 5'>3' / 5'>3' 8.390313 Y Y Y Y Y fusion24 JOSD1 / TRMT2A exon1 / exon1 5'>3' / 3'<5' 8.651535 N N N N N "contig only 78nt, no reads align to contig" fusion71 MED15 / TFIP11 exon5 / exon3 3'<5' / 3'<5' 9.56151 N N N N Y "contig only 77nt, no reads align to contig, contig has poor alignments to genome" fusion57 CDC45L / RALY exon3 / exon3 5'>3' / 5'>3' 9.697672 N N Y Y N "contig only 89nt, only two reads align to contig" fusion44 CTA-282F2.3 / MCHR1 exon2 / exon2 5'>3' / 5'>3' 10.99201 N N N N N contig assembled together with CTA-282F2.3 / RPLP0P1 fusion resulting in complex contig-to-genome alignment topology fusion11 KREMEN1 / RP1-199H16.6 exon6 / exon2 3'<5' / 3'<5' 12.162695 N N Y Y Y "breakpoint near edge of contig, only three reads align across breakpoint, one has a mismatch" fusion95 PHF20 / RP5-907D15.2 exon4 / exon3 5'>3' / 5'>3' 13.160711 N N N N Y "contig only 81nt, only two reads align to contig, homology near breakpoint causes poor contig-to-genome alignment" fusion48 CTA-833B7.2 / PKIG exon2 / exon2 3'<5' / 3'<5' 13.235705 Y Y Y Y Y fusion84 PRR5 / XXbac-B476C20.12 exon2 / exon1 3'<5' / 5'>3' 13.307669 Y Y Y Y Y fusion78 RGL4 / STAU1 exon2 / exon4 5'>3' / 5'>3' 14.853343 N N Y Y Y "contig only 89nt, only four reads align to contig, one has mismatch" fusion2 AC000093.3 / BCAS1 exon1 / exon8 3'<5' / 3'<5' 17.183489 Y Y Y Y Y fusion13 BCAS1 / HM13 exon6 / exon1 5'>3' / 5'>3' 17.255278 N N Y Y Y "two contigs represent event, breakpoint near edge of contigs, only four and four reads align across breakpoint, two and zero have a mismatches, BWA multi-mapping bug" fusion46 GAL3ST1 / SFI1 exon2 / exon16 5'>3' / 5'>3' 19.847224 Y Y Y Y Y fusion96 FBLN1 / HM13 exon1 / exon2 5'>3' / 5'>3' 20.207211 Y Y Y Y Y fusion34 APOL3 / MAPK1 exon2 / exon3 5'>3' / 5'>3' 21.457917 Y Y Y Y Y fusion64 EIF6 / PHACTR3 exon1 / exon10 3'<5' / 3'<5' 21.459609 Y Y Y Y Y fusion8 IFT52 / SOX10 exon2 / exon1 3'<5' / 3'<5' 24.424437 Y Y Y Y Y fusion67 CTA-211A9.5 / RP5-897D18.1 exon3 / exon1 3'<5' / 3'<5' 24.483889 Y Y Y Y N fusion6 KB-7G2.5 / OPRL1 exon2 / exon6 5'>3' / 5'>3' 29.835903 N Y N Y Y contig multi-maps to genome fusion37 EPB41L1 / RP5-859D4.3 exon6 / exon3 3'<5' / 3'<5' 29.957634 Y Y Y Y Y fusion79 DUSP18 / ITCH exon2 / exon2 3'<5' / 5'>3' 30.92327 Y Y Y Y Y fusion18 CSNK1E / MKL1 exon5 / exon6 5'>3' / 5'>3' 31.160718 Y Y Y Y N fusion73 RP3-477O4.14 / TBC1D20 pos114 / pos4129 5'>3' / 3'<5' 33.032239 Y Y Y Y N fusion85 C22orf42 / RBBP9 pos520 / pos94 3'<5' / 3'<5' 38.75822 Y Y Y Y N fusion66 PICK1 / RP11-416N4.4 exon1 / exon2 3'<5' / 3'<5' 40.591662 Y Y Y Y Y fusion15 GNRH2 / SIRPB1 exon2 / exon4 3'<5' / 5'>3' 41.163383 N N N N N missassembled as GNRH2 / SIRPA (only three bases different) fusion43 C20orf26 / LAMA5 exon2 / exon1 3'<5' / 5'>3' 42.524421 Y Y Y Y Y fusion12 AC002073.2 / WFDC2 exon1 / exon3 3'<5' / 3'<5' 42.789579 N Y N Y Y contig multi-maps to genome fusion29 C22orf13 / RP5-977B1.7 exon2 / exon2 3'<5' / 3'<5' 44.567892 N N Y Y Y "contig only 73nt, no reads align to contig" fusion26 RBM9 / SMTN exon7 / exon10 5'>3' / 5'>3' 47.660717 Y Y Y Y Y fusion23 RBM12 / RP3-449O17.1 exon2 / exon2 3'<5' / 5'>3' 60.828951 Y Y Y Y Y fusion45 ARSA / C22orf36 exon9 / exon2 3'<5' / 3'<5' 62.355273 Y Y Y Y Y fusion68 HM13 / JOSD1 pos248 / pos501 3'<5' / 3'<5' 71.255014 Y Y Y Y Y fusion5 CPT1B / ZFP64 exon2 / exon4 5'>3' / 5'>3' 76.948993 Y Y Y Y Y fusion28 BCR / RTN4R exon17 / exon1 5'>3' / 5'>3' 82.095083 N Y N Y Y contig multi-maps to genome fusion86 SEC14L2 / WFDC13 exon6 / exon2 3'<5' / 3'<5' 88.549904 Y Y Y Y Y fusion53 RP4-715N11.2 / WFDC10B exon1 / exon3 3'<5' / 3'<5' 89.67957 Y Y Y Y Y fusion19 CBX7 / YPEL1 exon1 / exon3 5'>3' / 5'>3' 91.54125 Y Y Y Y Y fusion42 CELSR1 / XXbac-B444P24.10 exon2 / exon4 3'<5' / 5'>3' 101.993345 Y Y Y Y Y fusion70 C22orf34 / JOSD1 exon1 / exon1 5'>3' / 3'<5' 103.456682 Y Y Y Y Y fusion14 ADSL / RBM9 exon3 / exon3 3'<5' / 5'>3' 119.440071 Y Y Y Y N fusion4 HNF4A / RP1-269M15.3 exon5 / exon1 3'<5' / 3'<5' 120.637304 N N N N N "no contig assembled, breakpoint near edge of transcript" fusion92 CHKB / GNAS exon4 / exon2 5'>3' / 5'>3' 121.877732 Y Y Y Y Y fusion36 CTA-282F2.3 / RPLP0P1 exon3 / exon2 5'>3' / 5'>3' 125.055275 N N N N Y contig assembled together with CTA-282F2.3 / MCHR1 fusion resulting in complex contig-to-genome alignment topology fusion3 BCL2L1 / XXbac-B33L19.3 exon2 / exon2 5'>3' / 5'>3' 128.103672 N Y N Y N contig multi-maps to genome fusion16 RP5-1043L13.1 / SLC23A2 exon3 / exon1 3'<5' / 3'<5' 133.964752 Y Y Y Y N fusion59 NECAB3 / OGFR exon7 / exon4 3'<5' / 3'<5' 141.117372 N N N N Y homology near breakpoint causes poor contig-to-genome alignment fusion83 GGT1 / TPST2 exon6 / exon3 3'<5' / 5'>3' 144.773799 Y Y Y Y N fusion61 DRG1 / MPPED1 pos195 / pos898 5'>3' / 3'<5' 168.998169 Y Y Y Y N fusion52 HMOX1 / STAU1 exon2 / exon11 5'>3' / 5'>3' 172.267221 Y Y Y Y Y fusion74 C20orf123 / MIAT exon1 / exon2 5'>3' / 3'<5' 182.016313 Y Y Y Y Y fusion21 LSM14B / ZHX3 exon2 / exon2 5'>3' / 5'>3' 182.230356 Y Y Y Y Y fusion27 C20orf112 / GDAP1L1 exon2 / exon3 3'<5' / 3'<5' 182.399957 Y Y Y Y Y fusion50 MACROD2 / MB exon2 / exon3 3'<5' / 3'<5' 188.072371 Y Y Y Y Y fusion87 DHX35 / PLCB4 exon5 / exon1 3'<5' / 5'>3' 194.513721 Y Y Y Y Y fusion62 MICAL3 / NSFL1C exon3 / exon2 5'>3' / 5'>3' 223.919931 Y Y Y Y Y fusion54 BPIL2 / CCDC157 pos69 / pos98 3'<5' / 3'<5' 231.599119 Y Y Y Y N fusion39 TNNC2 / TSHZ2 exon3 / exon2 3'<5' / 3'<5' 258.802765 Y Y Y Y Y fusion51 OGFR / RP11-218C14.2 exon4 / exon2 5'>3' / 5'>3' 284.538662 Y Y Y Y Y fusion1 RP4-718J7.4 / TTLL9 exon2 / exon14 5'>3' / 3'<5' 289.202119 Y Y Y Y N fusion7 RP5-1069P2.4 / THAP7 exon1 / exon2 3'<5' / 5'>3' 301.379014 Y Y Y Y Y fusion38 AP000344.1 / RP5-907D15.2 exon3 / exon2 3'<5' / 5'>3' 317.789104 Y Y Y Y Y fusion49 CPT1B / SLC13A3 exon2 / exon4 5'>3' / 5'>3' 356.276111 Y Y Y Y N fusion10 GPCPD1 / SMARCB1 exon1 / exon1 5'>3' / 3'<5' 367.444289 Y Y Y Y Y fusion58 CTA-282F2.3 / POLR3H exon1 / exon3 3'<5' / 5'>3' 393.503324 Y Y Y Y N fusion56 ARHGAP8 / RP5-1187M17.7 exon3 / exon1 5'>3' / 5'>3' 491.781384 Y Y Y Y Y fusion81 AP000351.3 / LZTR1 exon2 / exon5 5'>3' / 5'>3' 545.551721 N Y N Y Y contig multi-maps to genome fusion69 CSTL1 / RP1-66N13.3 exon1 / exon2 5'>3' / 5'>3' 611.248526 Y Y Y Y Y fusion17 ASCC2 / FAM110A exon1 / exon2 5'>3' / 5'>3' 747.505603 Y Y Y Y Y fusion90 ADAM33 / COL9A3 exon1 / exon27 3'<5' / 5'>3' 1634.832111 Y Y Y Y Y