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Author (aut): Kagiri, Timothy
To inform developing interactive tools for maternal health, this thesis focused on the complex realities of pregnant women in rural Kenya. An extensive literature review and initial fieldwork…
Author (aut): Assari, Mohamad
The average sensitivity of a graph algorithm is a measure that calculates the stability of the algorithm when the input graph undergoes perturbations. The perturbation is represented by removing some…
Author (aut): Cole, Tyler R.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, long-term care homes in Canada enacted lockdown protocols to safeguard the health of their residents. Consequently, physicians had to connect virtually with residents…
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Issues of the Children's Mental Health Research Quarterly, a publication of the SFU Children's Health Policy Centre.
The diversity of the world’s cultures, both past and present, is one of the key attractions of travel. Governments, the tourism industry, and…
Tse’K’wa (HbRf-39, also known as Charlie Lake Cave), has been visited by people for more than 12,000 years, and this site now preserves a record of…