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Culture, identite et fonction culturelle de l'Ecole francophone : representations chez les intervenants au Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique

Resource type
Thesis type
(Thesis) M.A. (Ed.)
Date created
This research aims at probing the perceptions of the cultural role of francophone
schools in British Columbia. It is only very recently that francophone parents have won
legal rights to self-govemance in matters of education. The recognition of these rights has
led to the implementation of a French Education Authority, which oversees the
administration of al1 francophone schoo1s in British Columbia. This has renewed
enthusiasm for the promotion of French cultural identity. The official raison d'?tre of
francophone schools is to preserve and develop this identity in its students. In their
respective contexts, several American and Canadian researchers have studied models and
factors contributing to the preservation and development of culturai identity in students.
Definitions of culture also vary according to different perspectives amongst which the
anthropological and the sociological points of view, the theory of language and culture
and the identification of culture to artistic production.
The Ministry of Education progarns have been adapted for the needs of
Francophone schools. Many iRPs (integrated Resources Packages) such as the French
language arts and social studies cumculum target culture as a main area of leaming and
growth. In this context, an inquiry about Francophone perspectives on culture, identity
and what is or should be the culturd function of schools seemed timely and relevant.
For this study, interviews were conducted with teachers and principals in three
elementary Francophone schools in the Vancouver area. Administrators at the French
Education Authority as weii as some of the eiected school board tmstees were also
interviewed. Various perceptions expressed are outlined, contrasting and comparing viewpoints in order to corne to a better understanding of how members of the education
comrnunity view the cultural role of francophone schools in British Columbia. Out of the
study emerges a heterogeneous view of cuihue and identity based on the respective
origins and experience of participants- The study also outlines a composite portrait of the
francophone community based in the Vancouver area. It concludes with a series of
recomrnendations aimed at guiding the management of cultural development and
dissemination within schools under the jurisdiction of the Francophone Education
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