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Building children’s resilience

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Author: Schwartz, C.
Author: Waddell, C.
Author: Harrison, E.
Author: Garland, O.
Author: Dixon, J.
Background: Parenting has a profound impact on children’s well-being. Positive parent-child relationships can promote children’s brain development, academic functioning, social competence, mental health and self-esteem. Responsive caregiving also buffers children from the negative impacts of adversity and stress. Given this, we set out to identify interventions that can promote positive parenting. Methods: We used systematic review methods to identify randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluations of parenting interventions for high-risk families. Applying our inclusion criteria, we accepted four RCTs.Results: All four programs produced some beneficial outcomes. Familias Unidas reduced child behaviour problems and increased parent involvement. Family Check-Up similarly increased maternal involvement. Nurse Home Visitation improved children’s language development and executive functioning among particularly high-risk families. SAFEChildren improved parental involvement in children’s education as well as children’s reading skills. Conclusions: Programs that encourage warm and consistent parenting can improve the lives of children and families, especially among those facing significant adversities.
Published as
Schwartz C, Waddell C, Harrison E, Garland O, Nightingale L, Dixon J & Gray-Grant, D. (2008). Building children’s resilience [winter issue]. Children’s Mental Health Research Quarterly, 2:1. Vancouver, BC: Children’s Health Policy Centre, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University.
Publication title
Children’s Mental Health Research Quarterly
Document title
Building children’s resilience
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