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EndoVision: A prototype robotic laparoscope and telementoring system allowing intuitive endoscopic visualization

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This project is for the development of a prototype system for endoscopic visualization for minimally invasive surgeries (MIS). The system will assist a surgeon in adjusting and maintaining the field of view (FOV) of an endoscopic system through head motions alone, relieving the need for hands-on adjustment of a camera scope. A surgeon would wear a head-mounted display (HMD) to visualize the area of interest. A market-ready device would include real-time web communication allowing remote surgeons to provide audio and visual feedback during a surgery. This medical device would reduce the number of medical staff needed for an MIS procedure, as well as providing surgeons with assistance from other medical professionals over the web, increasing the success rate of MIS procedures. Uses for this device include: Providing intuitive control of the surgical FOV, training of surgeons in MIS, and as a platform for real-time communication between surgeons at a distance.
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