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Connecting to opportunity: The urban mobility and everyday survival of youths transitioning from government care in Metro Vancouver

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In Metro Vancouver, youths transitioning from government care are routinely failing to become independent ‘adults’ and are struggling to secure housing, access resources, and develop the requisite life skills and education needed to gain greater financial security over time. Unlike their parented peers, whose familial support network allows them to rebound or ‘boomerang’ in the face of failure, these youths are continually at risk of homelessness and other adverse conditions. By using the mobility concept of 'tacking,' this ethnographic study examines the everyday experiences of seven Metro Vancouver youths from government care, as they navigate through challenges, obtain resources, and seize opportunities in a Canadian urban setting. This study adds to the field of urban studies and mobilities research by providing insight into the survival tactics of this marginalized category of young people who exist in cities across the world.
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