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Channelized deposits and regional parasequence sets of the Grouse Paleovalley: McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada

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Thesis type
(Thesis) M.Sc.
Date created
The Grouse Paleovalley occurs in the south-central portion of the McMurray Sub-Basin. Regionally continuous parasequence sets and associated channel belts, capped by allogenic flooding surfaces were investigated within the McMurray Formation to determine depositional settings and their stratigraphic significance. Core descriptions and wireline data were used to map surfaces and facies associations across the study area. Three stacked parasequence sets were investigated. The two oldest parasequence sets are interpreted to represent deposition of a prograding, sheltered shoreface to bay-margin, punctuated by brackish-water channels in a low accommodation setting. The youngest parasequence set is interpreted to have been deposited in a wave/storm-dominated prograding delta, also in a low accommodation setting. A new stratigraphic model for the upper McMurray is proposed, consisting of transgressive and highstand systems tracts. The progradational successions represent the highstand phases, whereas ravinement and retrogradation constitute the transgressive phases.
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Scholarly level
Supervisor or Senior Supervisor
Thesis advisor: Dashtgard, Shahin
Member of collection
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