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Strategic Analysis of a Civil Engineering Consulting Firm

Date created
Author: Tonin, Jason
This report provides a strategic analysis of a small sized engineering firm competing in the British Columbia, Canada region. The analysis focuses on how to increase the firm’s profitability by examining its internal structure and the external environment. The analysis considered the relative growth of the industry and reviewed potential
opportunities and threats. It analysed the firm’s competitiveness in each of the market segments and reviewed means by which it could increase its competitiveness. The analysis showed that the firm competes well within the current segments it operates in and has the potential to be competitive in a new market segment. The analysis developed several strategic alternatives to meet the firm’s key goals. Based on the potential of each alternative to achieve the firm’s goals a preferred option of allocating non-billable time to expanding workload was recommend. The workload expansion included the First Nations and private development segments the firm currently competes in, as well as expanding into the municipal government segment where the firm showed potential to be competitive.
EMBA Project-Simon Fraser University
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