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Historical climate variability from the instrumental record in northern British Columbia and its influence on slope stability

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Thesis type
(Thesis) M.Sc.
Date created
This thesis examines historical climate variability and its effects on slope stability in northern British Columbia. It comprises three parts: (1) an analysis of climate trends and variability from the instrumental climate record; (2) an examination of climate controls on historic, large landslides; and (3) a demonstration of the utility of weather satellite imagery in determining landslide triggers. The climate of northern British Columbia has become wetter and warmer since the beginning of instrumental observations. Documented trends are complex due to ocean-atmosphere oscillations such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the El Niiio Southern Oscillation. Long periods of increasing precipitation and temperature are a~~sociated with most dated, large landslides in the study area. Convective storms, large c:yclonic storms, and other weather events commonly trigger slope failure. Weather satellite images facilitated the analysis of climate triggers of landslides in remote areas and at high elevations.
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