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Avoiding the summer slide: can day camps close the income-education gap?

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(Project) M.P.P.
Date created
Children living in poverty often experience lower educational outcomes than the general population. A cycle of poverty can result, where low education levels pass from generation to generation. Up to 65% of the disparity between lower and higher income students is attributable to the Summer Learning Loss (SLL). Low-income students generally score lower in the fall on standardized tests than they did in the spring before. In contrast, middle and higher income students maintain or increase their test scores over the summer. Research indicates that summer day camps can reduce SLL when specific strategies and certain conditions are present. Case studies illustrate various techniques that have proven effective at reducing SLL. Interviews with academics that have expertise in the field and a review of relevant literature contribute to recommendations for the City of Windsor, Ontario to implement at municipal day camps to reduce SLL.
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